Right after getting back from my trip to California, I found out I got a job at Primary Children's Medical Center! I had interviewed there right before leaving but wasn't sure how it went. Most of the applicants in my group interview had either worked there as a tech before or had done their capstone internships there. I had done neither so I felt super blessed to even get an interview. When I got the phone call with a job offer, I was ecstatic.
Trisha was a pal and took me out to celebrate my first real job!
When I was little I would tell my parents I was going to be a professional baby holder. My mom informed me that profession was called being a mother and I wouldn't get paid. Well, I'm just about as close to a baby holder as I can get! I feel really lucky to have gotten a job and especially lucky to be working at such a special hospital. It is one of the most colorful and happiest hospitals I have ever been in.

The final step to my journey of nursing school was passing the NCLEX. I did practice questions and flashcards everyday from April to June until my mind couldn't take it anymore. June 17th I took the test. It was pretty rough. Most of the time I felt like I had no idea what the questions were even asking. I got to my 75th question and the computer shut off! A few days later I looked up on the Utah DOPL website and searched my name. I was so relieved to see "Allison Joyce Holt: Registered Nurse". Here is the screenshot to prove it if anyone is skeptical....

So it's a done deal! I even passed the drug screening. I will be working at the Children's Medical Unit so my patients will be two to eighteen years-old. I love working with children and their families. Learning "the Healer's art" at BYU was incredible and I am so excited to finally do so as a real, live nurse!
Congratulations, Allie!! I knew you could do it!! You are going to be the best Professional Babyholder ever! Trust me...its a much better gig than being a Taco Bell worker or a singer like Whitney Houston! Love you!
Yah! So excited for you! Now that you are a working woman and will need to take a visit, you can visit me in Newport Beach anytime! Or go to Oklahoma in two weeks when I'm there and you can see me AND your brother!
Yay!!! Congrats girl!! I'm so excited for you to start! Enjoy your last week!!
Congrats Allie on the job and working at Primary! You will be fabulous!
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