Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Books n stuff

Life has been really exciting but just not in very blog-able ways. I could take a picture of us sitting on our couch side-by-side on Friday/Saturday night studying but I think the few readers that we do have would even stop looking at the blog. 

So instead I have these pictures: 

1. The new excitement in my life is that I have started my nurse practitioner clinicals! I am following a NP at a pediatrics office and I completely forgot how traumatic going to the doctor can be for little ones. SO many tears. One little girl even huddled herself in the corner of the room and shouted at us "I'm not sick!! I'm not sick!" in an attempt to avoid a physical exam. I admired her creativity. Nice thing, though, is kids are easy to win over. After the appointment, all I have to do is say "Want a sticker?" and the tears stop instantly. I don't know what it is about a little drawing with adhesive on the back but they really do have a magic power with kids. I have loved the clinical so far-- maybe I'll end up in pediatrics? Who knows.

2. Justin's new hobby as of late has been studying for the MCAT. He is having so much fun! :) This stack of books has been his best friend lately. The other night Justin had me read one of the verbal passages (basically reading comprehension). I got a headache after a few paragraphs and just guessed on the questions. It's a very good thing Justin is taking the test and not me. At least now I can empathize with the pain that is taking the MCAT. Luckily, his school load isn't too busy so he can study up for the big test in May. 

It's so fun for both of us right now to be moving ahead in out schooling/plans. We have dinner conversations that are thrilling (at least to us) about tricky MCAT practice questions and trying to diagnose ear infections. Life is good. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yay for an update!