I'm way behind on the blog so here's my attempt to get caught up! We've had a lovely break with Justin's family in Pleasant Grove and then skiing with my family in Park City. I'll post more on that later.
First though I need to post about David Archuleta!

So I've always been a fan- not quite hard-core enough to call myself an "Archie Angel" but a fan. When I heard he was performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for their Christmas concert, I wanted to go bad. I had the whole fam request them through the raffle (not sure if that's allowed or not.. oops) and was lucky enough to get tickets.
Christmas tree at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Pretty temple lights
We got there early because we were already hanging around Temple Square and got sweet seats-- 9th row! I've never been that close in the Conference Center. We were in the next section over from President Monson, President Uchtdorf, and Elder Holland (leaders from our church).
The concert was sooo good. I loved seeing David perform. Justin said I looked like a twitterpated twelve year-old but then he was the one bragging that David waved to him afterwards. Basically after every song all the little girls would wave frantically to David as he walked off the stage. It was such a fun night.
More on Christmas and New Year's soon!
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