Friday, May 11, 2012

Mi casa es su casa

Friday we got to go into the community to build a house with Hogar de Cristo. Once we got done with digging the holes, I wasn't much help with the building. Most of the time I just played photographer. 

So here's a bumload of photos.

 This is the whole group of volunteers and a few from the family. Below we start digging the holes for the posts! 

 Tiffany was a little tired already :)

This is one of the family's sons. Check out his shirt- Bob Esonja!! I love Sponge Bob. Also, I asked if I could take a picture of his ducks in their crate. He proceeds to grab not one, but all three of the rather nasty ducks in his arms. I am not a fan of birds in the first place, and these were no exception. They were having duck diarrhea everywhere... cute, right?

Then Erika proceeds to pet and hold the ducks too. So disturbing but in a strange way I was kinda proud of her.

Putting up the first posts!

 Starting the platform for the floor

Up to start the floor

Hammering down the floor

Picture break after we finished the floor

Walls going up!

Sunscreen fail. 

This is our amazing builder, Evan, who actually built the house :)

The family in front of their new house and Genesis checking out the window

The family waving goodbye! 

Building the house was exhausting but so fun. The family was so appreciative. Their house had been damaged by the heavy rain Ecuador had this spring. Even though I didn't do most of the building, it is really satisfying to start with a plot of land and leave the family with a brand new house. This was one of my favorite days! 

1 comment:

Mark and Debbie Holt said...

I totally agree with you about the ducks!! I mean, they are cute in storybooks like, "Make Way for the Ducklings" and such but in real life they make such a mess!! I found them hanging out around our pool again the other day and had to shoo them away! Then Ash and I found a huge turkey right outside the kitchen door on the patio! It's like we live on a farm or something!!

I can't wait until you get home and hear all your stories about Ecuador!! I've missed talking to you!!

Oh, and good job with the camera! Being the photographer is a very important job!!